Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Future of Space Travel

"The New Space Economy is Getting Real." To me, that is saying that there is now a real profit driven push to make it to space. Commercial space travel is in reach and the first to make it happen will be able to monopolize on it.

Space travel has been a topic for a while no. NASA's last shuttle lunch and private companies push to make it into orbit, have been to major reasons. the next 25 years of space travel may be able to be defined by two distinct motives and theologies. there will be private companion driven by profit and the government run entities based of exploration.Government entities will also have the responsibility to stimulate and make sure space travel stays profitable.

An article called "Space Future Tourism Industry In 2030" lays out what the private sector will look like. according to the article if some $12 billion of funding became available in the near future, commercial passenger space travel services to and from Earth orbit could begin in 2010. At a growth rate of some 100,000 passengers/year/year the business could reach 700,000 passengers/ year by 2017, at a price of about $25,000 /passenger. the next 25-30 years will be defied by low orbit travel. On that scenario 30 years from now would imply average growth rates of 18% - 26%/year through the decade 2020-2030, which are certainly feasible. If that where to happen the hotel industry would become very involved. So in the next 25 years, we would see daily commercial flight to hotels that are in low orbit.

NASA has a very different goal in mind. The recently released "The Global Exploration Roadmap."
The initial goal is to make to to the Moon and set up a permanent base with routine trips. this is only to train and prepare for going to Mars and beyond. These are all major goal for the traditional purpose. Search for life extend, human presence, and enhance Earth safety. the have an added goal though. they want to stimulate the economy by stimulating exportation. in short they want to take the next step to long rage exportation, and stimulate private sector.

So to put all this in one thought. There is still the historical goal for space travel. That is explore and research. But there is also a new segment coming into picture. It is to make it to space and profit from it. that included space tourism, and hotels.

I believe this can benefit mankind if done right. If companies set their gold on low orbit space truism and stop there, we will lose out. If they continue to pursue new efforts that are profit driven, it could lead to moving out future. At the same time the need to be entities there to make sure it is done safely. if it isn't i see failures that could so costly that it hiders the push to explore.

Al these leave a huge need for pilots. there needs to be pilots to fly aircraft that gets to orbit. this could crate a hug boost to the pilot industry. there will also be a big need for technicians to work in the aircraft while in operation. Then there will need to be the infrastructure to support space travel. There is a whole new world of opportunities that come out of this.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The newest aircraft on the market by Boeing is the 787 dreamliner. Every one is talking about what this aircraft will do got the industry. Let take a moment to see what is going on.

 Boeing forested that about19,400 planes in 2010 to more than 39,500 by 2030. With that the fasted growing rate is fro twin-aisle at about 4.4 percent annually. This, with the demand for high efficient aircraft that can also make to to China, has led Boeing to develop the 787.

Boeing put out two series to the 787. The 8 and 9. The 8 ranges from 7,650 to 8,200 nautical miles and can seat up to 250 pax. Where the 9 series  ranges from 8,000 to 8,500 nautical miles and seats 290 pax. This airplane uses 20 percent less fuel than today's similarly sized airplanes. It will also travel at a similar speed as today's fastest wide bodies, Mach 0.85. Airlines will enjoy more cargo revenue capacity.

The 787 is unlikely aircraft out there today. Compost materials make up 50% of its primary structure. It also has more "leg room" and the window are much bigger to give the pax a better view outside.

I feel that this will shine some positive media onto Boeing, increasing their popularity with the public. this will help them gain more orders and help them peruse newer and more advanced technologies. this will help the industry as well. I believe this might get people exited about flying again. People might want to get out and get aviation back on track for profit