Sunday, September 25, 2011


NextGen is a complete overhaul of our air traffic system. it will pave the way for point to point flying without way points. It will also help to allow much more tragic in the skies without the congestion. The major difference is that it moves out ATC from a radar based system to a satellite based system.

There are several aspect to the NextGen system that will work together to make it the further of aviation. these include, ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, CATMT: Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies, Data Comm: Data Communications, NNEW: Network Enabled Weather, NVS: The National Airspace System Voice System, SWIM: System Wide Information Management, AIRE: The Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions.

The issue that is on mind for just about every one in aviation in the coast and who will pay for it. according to an article in the Davinport post  by Ann Schrader, about $20 billion on the part of the government and about equal in part of airlines. impementing it would reduce delays by 35% and $23 billion in benefits. With that put there in no reason in my mind that airlines should get subsidized for this. they get a great return without it. that is different for General Aviation pilots.

In an article in the General Aviation News,the coast for a general aviation aircraft between $7,000 and $30,000.  There is a great return in information and safety, but not much in financial return. It will be more than the average aircraft owner can not afford this. it would make a major blow to GA. i feel the only way is to subsidize. this way GA pilots can still fly. otherwise i feel that it would take years for the average GA pilots to catch up.

I will say that I am not in favor of user fees. If every one pays for it the burden is much lower. In my opinion every one benefits from aviation in one way or another. With the just in time delivery, aviation has played a hug role. Without it there would be a much longer wait on most good that are produced across the nation and world, thus driving up prices. This is why I feel that the funding should come from taxpayers. if that is not enough then user fees are still acceptable. I feel that user fees should be dependent one the amount used. This would make the majority supporter by airlines and high traffic cargo operations.


  1. I really like that you bring up user fees based on amount of use of the new system. It does not really make since for the weekend flyer to pay the same user fees as the airlines. I think that if user fees are announced that way, it may be more accepted.

  2. Good understanding of NextGen and detailed discussion of how user fees should be applied. Watch you spell check - I think it substituted "coast" for "cost".
