Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TSA Pilot Progams Have Good Outlook

Their are a few new things that the TSA are trying out, that have to potential to help relive the stress on airport security. It might make it better because of it. The idea is these new steps will help to transition the TSA from a technology based security to a information based system.

 A bill that was passed by the house the 29th of November. This was the Risk-Based Security Screening for Members of The Armed Forces Act. This allows Armed forces and their families to pass through airport security faster while on office business.

This bill does not impact current TSA measures, but helps solider get though the checkpoint faster. They will not need to take off their class A uniform. In other word they don't need to take off their boots. Soldiers also will not be subject to pat-downs. The Solders will be required to have a DOD's common accesses card to pass through. This is nothing more that ans official ID.

These measures are needed to make sure no unauthorized personnel pose as soldiers. All of these subject to intelligences showing the individual's no threat. This would be to stop something from happening like a soldier shooting up a airport like one did in the military bass not to long ago. If they take the right steps, this could help the transition by showing risk based security can be successful while helping to get people though security faster.

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